Asked By
jami daub
0 points
Posted on - 10/05/2012
Hi Experts,
I am looking for backup software, I need to create mysql database backup from bad disk. My hard disk is very old and it will crash any time, so please send me how can create mysql database backup from bad disk. Please send me the proper solution. Thanks!
Jami Daub
MySQL database backup from bad disk
Hello Jami,
To backup Mysql database, you will need to have proper permission (administrative) to be able to access the Mysql Database Server. You can download Mysql – Workbench tool (mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.47-win32.msi) from site. This tool is free to download and use. The tool requires
“Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (Web Installer) “ which can
be downloaded from website for free. You will need to install this tool.
Install the .Net Framework 4 client profile, then install mysql-workbench. After successful installation of Mysql Workbench follow below steps to backup your database:
a) Double Click the “MYSQL WorkBench” program, this can be done from the start menu in windows 7 or xp.
b) You have to make sure that mysql database server is running.
c) After MYSQL WorkBench starts, click on “Database” Menu, Select “Manage Connections” submenu. Provide the necessary connection details.
d) After you are done with Connection Settings, click on “Manage Import/ Export” .
e) The above action will open a window with a list of databases currently
available in your server. Select the database that you want to export
and also remember to select location to save your exported files.