The necessity of safe ejection or removal of hardware and media

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Why is it necessary to remove safely hardware and eject media at all in computing? When I eject safely my pen drive from the USB port of my computer does it have any impact or sense? I am nine years of age and a student of a basic school in Ghana. My IT. teacher has always insisted that I safely remove any hardware that I slot into the USB port and I want to know why.

Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #185270

The necessity of safe ejection or removal of hardware and media


Hello Richard

The answer to your question lies in the way the files are written to your USB Stick. When files are transferred, they are written to cache and then transferred onto the memory stick. Even though the files appear on a USB stick, the files may still be in the process of transfer in the background. For this reason, one needs to safely remove the pen drive, otherwise the data transfer might be incomplete and data might get corrupt.

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