Need command for Ubuntu enable fish shell
Can any expert help me how to Ubuntu enable fish shell is activated through command prompt for scripting purpose?
Can any expert help me how to Ubuntu enable fish shell is activated through command prompt for scripting purpose?
You can enable fish shell by opening your command prompt and then type chsh-s/usr/bin/fish.
Please take note however that it won’t work right away.
You have to log out first then sign back in for it to take effect.
If you don’t do that, it won’t work.
If you have any more concerns just send me a message.
Hi Michele,
First use fish as your primary choice shell. To get this type the following while getting to the command prompt.
Sign-out and then get in again to help shell change functions. Next whenever you open a terminal you will be in the fish mode rather than bash.
We can run 'chsh -s /bin/bash' any time to help bash become our default shell again.
Hope this helps.