Need a dtmf pic circuit diagram with 8051 microcontroller.
Can someone give me a dtmf pic circuit diagram with 8051 microcontroller? I need it for my college project to make an internal telephone exchange.
Can someone give me a dtmf pic circuit diagram with 8051 microcontroller? I need it for my college project to make an internal telephone exchange.
DTMF is dual tone multiple frequency. It converts the numbers that we press on the keypad to a code that the microcontroller understands. So if you are doing a project with a telephone, a dtmf decoder is mandatory. You have to choose the correct decoder that you need and that supports your microcontroller.
The commonly used dtmf decoder with 8051 microcontroller is the 8870 decoder. The diagram below is the pin diagram of the 8870 decoder:
Hope this information helps you.