Need a good white eye fixer for pet and bird photos.

Any recommendations for a good white eye fixer for pets and birds? Can I do it online using a software that will save me some space on my hard drive.

Any recommendations for a good white eye fixer for pets and birds? Can I do it online using a software that will save me some space on my hard drive.
You can do this in this works like gimp or Photoshop and is online. You can upload the photo you need to be edited by opening the omaga on your computer
Then zoom in to the eyes of your animal shots using the clone tool select the area where you want to copy by holding ctrl then clicking on the area you which to remove the white eye this needs some precision as you do not want the editing to look too obvious. undo errors and try again.
After you edited the photo click save and select the location you want to save it to, your computer Facebook picasa etc.
I hope this helps.
Thank you.