Previously, I did an entire system restore to configure my computer and get the primary setup of my system. It worked fine for a couple of days. However, I observed that when I attempt to launch the game World of Warcraft, I got an error from Windows stating that my OS cannot be validated and that I may be a victim of software counterfeiting.
I’ve tried to read some online forums and I found possible solutions. The solution is to start slui.exe to validate the copy of my Windows XP.
Can someone guide me in this process?
Need Guidelines in Validating Windows XP
Validating windows XP is not a big deal. There is a simple process but, if your still does not finished then you have to do some other things, which I am going to tell you now.
First apply the simple method by following these steps; go to run then type oobe/msoobe /a and click ok. By will this a windows activation dialog box appear, then follow the steps, which will be written there.
But if still you are facing problem then go to run and type cmd. And in the command prompt write the command regsvr32 /u %windir%system32licwmi.dll, after doing this again go to run and type oobe/msoobe /a and windows dialog box will appear and follow the steps.
If you still have some problem then you have to use a tool Microsoft genuine advantage diagnostic tool, by this tool you can get rid of your problem and you will validate your windows XP.
Need Guidelines in Validating Windows XP
Validating Windows is very easy. You just need to download software from the web. Then after downloading, just install the software and do everything according to the instructions. This will surely help you and get your Windows activated.
Your system might be required to restart after this process but do not worry this is the part of the process and all of the issues will be solved after installing.
Hope this helps.
Thank you