Hi. I would like to ask if there’s software for Windows that can convert .PAGES from Mac in order for Windows users can open that specific document using MS Word? If so, where can I download it? I have files having .PAGES and I would like to open it. Any better ideas on page file converter to word?
Need to have a page file converter to word
All you need to is to save the file. Once saved, right click on that file and click rename. Another way is to left click on the file once and press F2 to rename it. When you can change the name, change the file extension to .zip to make it a zip file. Once it is a zip file, open it to view its contents. You can then view the contents using MS Word.
Another way is to change the file extension to .doc rather than going all the trouble of zipping it. If this doesn’t work, use the zip method instead.