I face some problem in my site in
I want to post my selected page. But i can't do this. Tell me how can I post my selected page.
I mean Want to post many in one page.
Is it possible.
Help me please.
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Hello Nahid Mahmood
I have also blogger site and this is my tips just followed this tips.
First go in:
1. Blogger and after this you will see the post, comment,setting,design,monetize,stat, and view blog,… you just click the post.
and there you will post as you want and after finish type you blog to post… just go in post option and you will see the a (post and date time) you must selected the schedule.. and press public post.
2. Press back page. to fill-up again a new blog as you want.. don't worry the first post you blog its automatically in there blog site.
3. Select post again just repeat the tips 1.Â
Thanks you
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Hello and good day,
What you want is possible sir. And I will teach you how to do it. And I will have this pictures for you to do it more easier.
After you login on your blogger account click on the "SETTINGS"Â of your desired blog. After that a new page will load.
This is the new page that has been loaded. Click on the "FORMATTING" and in there you will see "Show at most", This is where you control the number of post in your Main page. Adjust it in your desired number of value of post and then. Scroll down and click on the save settings button on the bottom of the page.Â
And then it is finished.
Happy blogging.