Need help to create Windows script to boot rdp

Hellos guys,
Can you help me in creating window scripts to boot rdp or can you suggest websites which can teach how to create windows scripts to boot rdp? Thanks guys

Hellos guys,
Can you help me in creating window scripts to boot rdp or can you suggest websites which can teach how to create windows scripts to boot rdp? Thanks guys
Dear Eleni;
RDP scripts can provide you a access link to a program through remote applications. I am providing you Remotely Enable RDP along with a script that contains functionality to remotely boost remote desktop services. Before using that you need to enable RDP on your machine. It will modify the registry to enable remote applications.
Regards: Kevinn Nicholas
Hello !!
I have got the point of your problem. You should run the code attached to this solutions. Description use ‘Enable-RDP’ to enable on all domain machine .The parameter “Computer name ” should be Specific Computer name to object or set of objects.
When RDP is enabled then you will see that “RDP is enabled in Remote Registry on machine.”
You should execute the program with administrative privilege.
Shifflett Laurel