Need Help: Difference in command of unix and Linux

What is the difference between Linux and Unix commands? Also, please brief me on the difference between Red-Hat,
Fedora, Ubuntu, and Kubuntu Operating Systems.

What is the difference between Linux and Unix commands? Also, please brief me on the difference between Red-Hat,
Fedora, Ubuntu, and Kubuntu Operating Systems.
Hello Linda,
Both UNIX and Linux are multiuser operating system, but the difference comes in as follows:
The UNIX operating system commands are based on Character User Interface also popularly known as CUI, This kind of coding system does not support pointing device
Linux on the other hand is base don the Graphical User Interface which is otherwise known as the GUI interface. Unlike UNIX, Linux has more added features. It is itself like the DOS and the Windows operating system.
Examples of Linux commands are:
adduser: Add a user to the system
addgroup: Add a group to the system
alias: Create an alias
Examples of Unix commands are:
mkdir dirname:make a new directory
cd dirname : change directory
Mahesh Babu
Redhat and fedora are the same, ubuntu and kubuntu are the same. for example
  to install program from repository       redhat                                    ubuntu                                                                Â
  to install progrm locally                             yum                                       apt-get
                                                                          rpm                                         dpkg
  some commands are the same but the filesystem hierarchy and configuration differ                                     Â