Need help to get a 3ds max converter

I have two .max formatted 3D model files and need to be convert to 3Ds format.
Does anybody knows 3Ds max converter freeware for my conversion process?

I have two .max formatted 3D model files and need to be convert to 3Ds format.
Does anybody knows 3Ds max converter freeware for my conversion process?
Dear Bettyfrance;
I have done many 3D projects and use different software for conversion purpose.
Here to convert .3ds to .max file formats, I suggest you to get latest version of Blender.
It is free 3D creation suit, available for all type of operating systems under General Public License.
I hope it will be helpful for you.
Hi Bettyj,
Raun Nelson
I am very glad to receive your interesting problems.
And I am willing to give some important instructions to convert 3d max objects.
First of all download the 3D max file converter and add the 3ds scripts directory(the *.ms file). Within 3DS MAX plug in the required shadows and other effects till your MAX world seem to be actually superior.
You have to choose “Render To Texture” from the rendering options. Channel 2 and LightingMap should be selected.
Then Render button must be commanded. To convert the world to 3DState wld format Run the script.
Shifflett Laurel