Need help with Google chrome

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

I need help to solve this problem,I'm getting an error message saying “Error 118 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT… The operation timed out? ” while I'm trying to access to the website using Google chrome web browser.

Best Answer by Harpe byers
Answered By 0 points N/A #94553

Need help with Google chrome



You are having that error because that is Google Chrome’s issue that is not working with your browser. For a workaround, you have to refresh the page and then you will notice that the page is displayed. If possible, you can also go and update Google Chrome and that may help you with the issue you are facing.
If you are not successful, you can go through these steps:
1. You have to open Google Chrome
2. Then, go to the icon Wrench
3. Select Options
4. Choose Under the hood tab
5. Select Change Proxy Settings
6. Under LAN, uncheck Automatic Delete Settings
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #94554

Need help with Google chrome


Dear Mila,

You need to clean browsing history in Google Chrome before you proceed for any further browsing.

CCleaner is one such program which will clear your browsing history.

I will advise you to follow these steps:

1. Click on this link to download it –

2. Click on the download this version option and install it,

3. Double Click on the CCleaner icon,

4. Your OS will prompt a separate window on the screen then click yes,

5. Place the button “Run Cleaner” available on extreme right at the bottom,

6. Don’t open other files or stop browsing till system is cleaned and till the status displayed by CCleaner as per the attached image.

7. Start your browsing.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #315722

Need help with Google chrome


That’s only a timeout error. You normally get this when the website takes a very long time to respond. There are two reasons why you get this: first, if the website is experiencing heavy traffic and second, your internet connection is very slow. If you receive this message when accessing a particular website, try going to another website and see if the same problem happens.

If you don’t receive the message in other websites, it means that particular website has a problem like in the case when the website is under DDoS attack. But if the same message keeps appearing in any website you go to, check your connection. If you are connected to a router, restart your Wi-Fi router.

If the router has a power button, press it to turn it off then unplug it from the power for about ten to twenty seconds (10 – 20). Press any button on the router to drain any leftover power or to power cycle. After this, plug the router back to the power and turn it on.

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