I’m having a problem installing Ventrilo into my friends’ laptop. When I try to install Ventrilo it sends me this error:
Installer Information
Error 1606 Could not access network location
I have no idea of what to do here. I’m very computer illiterate. Please give me step by step instructions on how to fix this. Thanks in advanced to whoever can help me with this J
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Need help with installing ventrilo
Error 1606 is due to wrong registry value type. Go to your Registry Editor by clicking on Start and then Run and type regedit.exe. Navigate to the following keys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurentVersion Explorer User Shell Folders
In the right pane, search Recent and double-click into it. Change its data to %Userprofile%Recent. The value should be REG_EXPAND_SZ and then close the Registry Editor window and restart your computer.
You may also need to check if Ventilo is compatible with your system. Click the link below and choose your platform to download the appropriate Ventrilo software.
Download and install Ventrilo Software