I need help with my cell phone's connection. I installed Nokia PC suite to transfer some files, cause my phone's memory was almost 90% full. But whenever I connect the connector to the PC it gives me this error, "Cannot authenticate the phone".
I tried to restart my computer and my phone but it still gives me the error.
Cannot authenticate the phone Error when connecting Nokia Suite
Nokia users mostly meet this kind of error, when trying to connect Nokia PC Suite.
Since you haven’t mentioned your Nokia phone model and your OS in your PC or laptop, let me just clarify that most of these problems come with Nokia models like N73, N95 and N82 especially working with Windows XP. But it works fine with Windows Vista installed.
An option to fix this problem, and hopefully it will help, is to try updating your Nokia PC suite beta version at this link as well as , updating your driver.
In this case hopefully the problem of connection will be solved, especially with Nokia 6500c, N73 phones and hoping your phone as well, since you haven’t mentioned the model.
Cannot authenticate the phone Error when connecting Nokia Suite
Dear John,
Although you have not mentioned your PC suit Version and your OS, I will give you some suggestions. Please try them.
The problem may occur due to corruption of your PC suit, so Start the Installation setup of PC suit and then select "Repair" option instead of "Uninstall". It will repair corrupted parts of your PC suit and it will start working as it should.
If this solution does not work then try this one:
Uninstall all of your Cell Phone Connectivity software including PC suit's USB drivers and cable connectivity software.
Restart your PC.
Download Nokia PC suit cleaner and install and run it. Again restart your PC.
Now download and install latest Version of PC suit and install it.
Try to connect your cell phone.
Wish you Best of Luck.
Cannot authenticate the phone Error when connecting Nokia Suite
Hello John,
You are experiencing an error with your Nokia PC suite.
Here’s a solution you can use to make it authenticate your phone.
1. Open Nokia PC Suite ;
2. Select PC Suite uninstall option ;
3. Select the Repair Option ;
4. If the repair was successful your phone is authenticated ;
5. Uninstall PC-Suite Completely ;
6.Download PC- Suite from the nokia site or use your CD provided by the phone company ;
7. Restart your computer and re-install your nokia PC suite ;
By following the steps above your phone will be authenticated and you may transfer your files without a problem ;
Good Luck!
Cannot authenticate the phone Error when connecting Nokia Suite
hi john,
This problem more and more effected for everyone. you know it also happened with me. I especially do my pc suite uninstall and repair the pc suite and I was successful every time. I think this system every one apply who's the problem.
Finishing time restart computer.