Hi guys. I use Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 for my Email needs and calendar activities. How can I create an expiration date for messages generated and for each email that I send in Outlook? Need help in Outlook expire date. Thanks.
Need help in Outlook expire date
Greetings Derek A Roses,
Unfortunately I don't use Microsoft Outlook 2007 but I've done some research for you. You can check out this website OUTLOOK EXPIRE DATE and see how to add expiration dates to your mail.
Its' simple and easy and I think it will satisfy your need.
Hope this helps you,
Need help in Outlook expire date
Hi Derek,
If you follow this steps, I think you can solve your problem.
Create a message
From the option tab, in the delivery Options, click DELAY DELIVERY
For create a delivery time
In the Delivery options part, select Do not deliver before
In the related pull-down list, select the date and time parameters
To construct the message unavailable later than a certain time
Select Expires after
From the pull-down lists, select the date and time parameters