Need help in sending file to Bearshare friends

Asked By 80 points N/A Posted on -

I am new in using bear share as I am used to using Yahoo for chat. I was trying to send a file to my bear share friends and it seems that it is disabled. How can I check if it really is disabled and how can I enable it?

Best Answer by BearShare_Support
Answered By 0 points N/A #193010

Need help in sending file to Bearshare friends

  1. Open Bearshare.
  2. Goto Setup menu and select Options
  3. Navigate to the sharing tab.
  4. Select the options you want to get shared under the sharing files and sub directories.
  5. Hit share.
  6. Click Ok.
  7. The selected files will now be shared.

By default sharing is enabled in Bearshare.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #193011

Need help in sending file to Bearshare friends


Hello BearShare supported!

Please click right in any song (in its library, in the results of search, etc.) and click on 'to Send song> to share this topic with a friend'. This will open a window in which you are capable of specifying the email address of the recipient. This function is available in the version 9 of BearShare so make sure that has the last version of the program.

Thanks. .

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