Need help to upload video files

Hi guys ,
I have some video files in my PlayStation , but I don't know what is the video format of those files ,
so do I need to convert those video files in to another format before upload it in to youtube?

Hi guys ,
I have some video files in my PlayStation , but I don't know what is the video format of those files ,
so do I need to convert those video files in to another format before upload it in to youtube?
I will tell you the solution on the problem that you are having please follow the instructions that I will give you for you to upload your video.  To know the video format of the video on your PlayStation first is transfer the video to your computer and then right click the video and then left click on the properties and you will see the type of file and you will see the file extension like .mpeg or .avi And YouTube supports the video like  wmv, avi, mov, mpeg,mp4 if you're video is not on the list you must convert them one of these following formats. And then you can now upload them to youtube
Please watch this video tutorial on how to upload video on YouTube. It will resolve all your issues.