Need immediate help regarding ethernet to dvi for Mac

I just started using Mac and I need some help regarding Ethernet to DVI.
Has anybody used it so far?
If so, please help me and give me the solution so I will be able to configure it on Mac.

I just started using Mac and I need some help regarding Ethernet to DVI.
Has anybody used it so far?
If so, please help me and give me the solution so I will be able to configure it on Mac.
Hello Paul
In order for you to configure Ethernet to DVI on your mac, what you need is called an adapter.
It turns the Ethernet port into a DVI/VGA port.
I have provided you with a link, that will show you exactly what an Ethernet to DVI adapter does and how does it work.
You will find every information there, but you must search the proper adapter regarding your requirements.
I hope you will find this information useful.