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Posted on - 08/25/2011
What is a botnet? Is it a virus? How do I know if my computer has botnet?
I searched the term on the internet but I cannot seem to understand what it is. Is it harmful to my computer? Is there a way to block it from getting in to my computer? My security program can only scan viruses, can it also scan botnet?
Please help, give me a link to read, or explain here on the website.
Thank you!
Need information about bot net
Botnet, as the name implies, Bot Network. Bots are originally developed to fill IRC channels as normal individuals performing tasks.
You wouldn't think that you are already chatting with a virtual person. But overtime, bots are exploited and used to steal passwords, check your computer's security vulnerabilities, log every keystroke you do on your keyboard. Bots are like virus. When they infect your computer, they know how to hide.
It can even delete itself. Bots included in the Malware that you can download over the internet. Those manipulated codes and serials you downloaded that will let you use some software as if you originally bought it with its subscription code.
Mainly, Botnets are used to gain profit. They can appear to you as an annoying adware on your web browser that keeps popping a website address every time you click your mouse. Sometimes they appear as spam messages.
Buy a very reliable antivirus. Update it regularly so you can be sure no bots can penetrate you. And always be cautious when downloading stuffs over the internet.
If you like more information, you can go to this link in Wikipedia.