Need a JavaScript editor Mac os x

I have been working with website development but suddenly I migrate from window to mac os x so I am not familiar with editors for mac so kindly suggest me some JavaScrpt editor mac os x versions and download links?

I have been working with website development but suddenly I migrate from window to mac os x so I am not familiar with editors for mac so kindly suggest me some JavaScrpt editor mac os x versions and download links?
Hi there, There are lots of editors you can find but among them I will give you the best.
It's really an awesome editor because of It's cross platform compatible and includes Git, LiveReload, JSLint, Auto Complete, Additional Syntax. Moreover,its really fast.
2. Another editor you can try is EditRocket. Alternative for Sublime text and very handy. Here is the link.
3. Aptana is also another helpful editor. Take a look at this link.
I hope my solution will help you.
Thank you.