Need to know about sntp Server in Windows
I need to configure time server in windows server. So i need time service tool that will configure sntp server in windows. How can i configure sntp server in windows ?
I need to configure time server in windows server. So i need time service tool that will configure sntp server in windows. How can i configure sntp server in windows ?
Hello Krystlejharris,
You need to find registry value it is located in HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesW32TimeConfigAnnounceFlags the purpose of this registry value is to control the Windows Time service (W32Time) function. By default, the value is 10, which accounts for the following values:
0x02 Automatic time server
0x08 Automatic reliable time server
There is another bit which should be double check, the Sntp server component is still enable. Look at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesW32TimeTimeProvidersNtpServer. The value should be 1, but when it is not represented or set to 0, change it to 1. After that restart the windows time service so that it will be effective, and make sure that the service is set for automatic startup.