Need to know of capturing screenshot on server side.

Hi Experts, I need to capture screenshot from an window over server side. Now I am using PHP to make web server. How to do this? Please leave a command.

Hi Experts, I need to capture screenshot from an window over server side. Now I am using PHP to make web server. How to do this? Please leave a command.
Hi Eliza Dunley,
To capture screenshot from a window over server side, you can use a script that will grab the screen and save it as PNG. The Bash script is:
#!/bin/bash firefox $1 #Start firefox and go to the passed in URL scrot –d 5 test.png # Take screen grab with 5 second delay
The PHP code that is used to run the script is:
<? //Sample URL $url=’http: //’; // Run the script shell_exec (‘sh’. $url); // Out put HTML to display image echo ‘<img scr =”test.png” />’ ;?>