Hi! I bought MS-Office Home and Student Edition for few months now. But I haven’t used it for quite some time. But when I opened it today, it was asking for a product key. I lost my installation disk and I don’t know what is the product key that I entered when I installed it for the first time. Is it possible to search it on Microsoft’s webpage? Can I still recover it? Please help.
Need Product Key for MS-Office
Microsoft has a lot of terminology for a product key. Sometimes they are being called key code, CD or DVD key or installation key. They are usually orange or yellow stickers on the back of a CD or DVD case or you will also see that sticker on a computer if it has been pre-installed. These product keys are a combination of letters and numbers that is vital for software manufacturers that helps them distinguish if what you are installing is a certified piece of software. With regard to your question, the first thing you need to accomplish is communicate the issue with Microsoft Customer Care. Please be ready with appropriate documents like the date when you purchased it or be ready as well with the fees that they might charge.
Need Product Key for MS-Office
You can find your product key in your CD folder or if you have just the cover of CD then you can see it form there. If you have no CD or CD cover then you need to buy a new one in this case and you will be able to see all of your files again. It is also easy to download office form internet. You can find it form the net and then you can use it as you require. If you have just installed office but don't register it then you must need a product key to make it functional. So you need a CD for installed one or CD cover to see the product key. If you don't find one then you can try a new one and it is easily available in market. You can get one as you require. It will further help you in feature also so you can buy one as for your comfort. I hope this will help you a lot to make a choice.
Need Product Key for MS-Office
Yes, You can recover it by following steps given under below:
* Go on Google search engine
* Type your <software name and version> <space> <94fbr>
* Then select your product key
* Then download and install your software