Need a ram clock tester for my PC

Hi everyone, recently the performance of my PC has been very slow. I want to check my ram speed. Is there any software of ram clock test in the net which can check my ram speed? Please reply me, thanks.

Hi everyone, recently the performance of my PC has been very slow. I want to check my ram speed. Is there any software of ram clock test in the net which can check my ram speed? Please reply me, thanks.
Hi there,
               For the RAM speed testing or performance testing try using this one MaxxMEM² – PreView, it is a simple computer check program that can help you with your questions about the speed of your pc. For the link—preview.phpjust follow this link. You don’t have to install MaxxMEM² – PreView, you can just unzip the files in the directory and then run the executable.
Hope it helps.
Hi Raymond,
Computer’s performance does not solely rely on the speed of the RAM, other factors need to be taken into consideration. HDD space allocation, viruses, Mechanical damage, or there are too many software running in the background. Testing the ram speed is also a wise way to isolate further let me give you suggestions that you can choose from. You can try to check these software:
I would recommend you to download the CPU Z software for your concern, CPU Z (Download link: It is a freeware utility application that gathers information like the start > run > 'dxdiag' command. It gets the information without installing it, just unzip it and you're good to go. Here's an example of a screenshot: