I am using a friend’s laptop and it’s making this noise similar to having a short circuit. It cannot boot and Windows doesn’t open. The problem is, there is some important data inside the computer hard drive, and it has some school project that has to be done within the next few days. How do I retrieve the data?
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Need to retrieve data on laptop that can’t start
In order to obtain the data from this laptop, you either need the help of a technician.
What needs to be done is that the Hard Disk of this laptop is to be removed, and inserted to another computer as secondary OR external disk.
BUT you have to be first very sure that the error you are facing with the laptop is NOT because of the hard disk.
When this hard disk is connected with the other computer or laptop using the SATA cables (fig1), than the data on this disk can be copied to the other computer where this hard drive is connected.

This is the only tested way of acquiring the data properly.
Need to retrieve data on laptop that can’t start
The most technical answer to the question in hand is to take the take the hard disk out of the non-working laptop and installed this back to the working laptop computer.
However, going this route is very technical and sometimes encountered problem along the way. You'll need to unscrew the computer to open the casing completely to exposed hardware components inside.
Before you'll go this way, an alternate steps fix failure to boot computer needs to be addressed. Check computer power cord attached to the side, make sure this is plugged in tight to ensure computer gets electricity.
You may try to do F8 to check it boots up in safemode, if it does then you can do changes on the settings. If unable to reboot using safe mode, then I would suggest to bring this computer to an expert to check computer components inside.