Need a software edit flash templates

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

My website template is consist of a sliced layout containing one or more HTML pages and a PSD source files. I am using a flash templates, so typically it also contains SWF exported files. What I want to do is to find a software edit flash templates where I can edit these SWF and other flash files by just using the application. Is there any application with such capability exists somewhere?

Answered By 0 points N/A #146458

Need a software edit flash templates



Photo Flash Maker support team releases a new feature about flash templates. This Template Editor is an easy to use flash template editing program, which enables you to customize every details of flash theme, including background image, photo frame, thumbnail frame, control button, title, description, movie clip and decoration, etc. No matter if you are professional one or with no acknowledge, you can handle the Template Editor easily to build up a self-made flash template.

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