Need Solution of Java IDE Configuration Error

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi friends,

Please help me. First of all, why am I getting this error message?

Why is it asking me to reconfigure the IDE?



Port 9,000 is already occupied. Please configure the IDE to USE to another port.

I am totally confused.

Hope, you'll help me.


Best Answer by Mclean Buono
Answered By 0 points N/A #134895

Need Solution of Java IDE Configuration Error



Dear User,

If you have recently downloaded PHP in to your system, I would ask you to overlook the download link

There are three links for windows on the min page at They have the title windows modules. You should download PHP 5.2.1.-5.2.6, if you have 5.2 PHP installed.

However if this is not about PHP then you should reset your port 9003.

Or else have NetBeans installed again to your PC after a complete removal.

Thank you

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #134896

Need Solution of Java IDE Configuration Error


Hello Alberto,

This error message indicates that the port 9,000 your IDE is trying to use is already being used by some other application.

You have several ways to analyzing and fixing this –

  1. Try to figure out the other application that is already using this port, see if its possible to configure it use another port that is free to be used. If its not a critical application then even shut it down, OR,
  2. In case if the other application does not support changing ports and cannot be turned OFF either then you may have to consult the IDE manuals for steps to re-configure the port.

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