Asked By
Slate rason
0 points
Posted on - 07/26/2017
I need a Webster that help on how to convert word to jpeg online. I have tried downloading some softwares for the purpose but mostly I found make with them. That’s why I am looking for some online tool that help me convert.
Need Websites On How To Convert Word To Jpeg Online

To convert word to jpeg, go to the website in the given link-
The website is pretty good and has a very clean interface. Just go to the select come option and then browse for your file. You can also enter the URL of the file your want to convert. Then just enter the email you want to receive the converted file on. Then click on the convert now button. That’s all.
Need Websites On How To Convert Word To Jpeg Online
If you need to convert an Office Word document, whether in DOCX (*.docx) or in DOC (*.doc) format, into JPG, that is possible without installing a program. The only thing you need is an internet connection. Visit DOC to JPG – Word to JPG Online. Here, click “SELECT WORD FILE” then select the Office Word document file you want to convert.
This will automatically upload your file. Next, select the output format of the image. You can select between four output formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, and BMP. You can also adjust the quality of the output image. Default is set to 50. When you are ready to convert, click “CONVERT” then wait until the conversion is complete.
Once it is complete, it will prompt you to download the file. The converted file is in ZIP format by default. You need a file extractor to unpack the file and open your image files. Right-click “Download Zip” and select “Save link as” to download the file to your computer. And that’s it. You can use 7-Zip File Archiver to unpack the ZIP file.
Need Websites On How To Convert Word To Jpeg Online
Converting word document to jpg with unitepdf free tool is much easier and pretty clean , straight forward.
Just follow the steps on the site and with a click you’re done.
It converts doc to jpg and gives you a download folder with the converted pages to images.