Needs help in converting powerpoint to wmv or avi

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I want to do some presentations at work and need to convert some  powerpoint into a WMV or AVI video .  Do I need to install any software in converting powerpoint to wmv or avi on my PC? What are the requirements for me to be able to do that and can you recommend a site for my reference?

Answered By 0 points N/A #137979

Needs help in converting powerpoint to wmv or avi


Hi Lindakcarico

The proper way is to install a software that will help you convert PowerPoint presentation to WMV, AVI video etc. The right software for the task is 'Xilisoft PowerPoint Converter' this converter makes it possible to play your PowerPoint presentation to any multimedia or HD player. Hope you have click on the link to get further information and start the download.


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