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60 points
Posted on - 08/23/2011
I am using NetBeans and I am developing mobile applications in it today I write code in netbeans and try to compile it but I receive given error after I try other codes I receive same errors please tell me is this error due to Code or Software Problem or some other hardware Issue.
A exception has occurred. However, the system should continue working without further problems.
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NetBeans Java Exception has Occurred
You should also show the details of the code. Anyway,try the following things that would help you in some way or the other.
Maybe it is a compatibility issue and you must once check that one.
Try shutting down the computer as well as the netbeans IDE and restarting it. First, close the netbeans IDE and then restart it and if still doesn't work. Help yourself with your computer.
Try changing the port number. ANything advanced would help you. Changing the port number is only the last chance. You could change the port number.
NetBeans Java Exception has Occurred
Here's what you can do to fix this issue:
1. Run your NetBeans with a clean userdir ./netbeans –userdir path_to_empty_directory or netbeans.exe.
2. If you got an exception, it will launch a dialog to report this issue. Report it and the reporter will give a module that throws the exception. Locate the duplicates and submit to issuezilla. The developers will try to fix it.
Hope it helps.