Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 08/11/2011
I have a Netgear router which I want to configure. But when I try to access router using this address,
1., I can not access it. I also reset the router settings and my default IP address for router is
Please I need a solution.
Answered By
0 points
Netgear router access Problem Windows XP SP2
Netgear router default IP address is Now, if you have changed the router’s IP configuration and you have forgotten your Router IP address, we have the solution for that. But before we will go to dive on the topic we need to check our network IP configuration first.
You Local Area Network or the Network adapter that is connected into your router must not be set to Static IP addressing. Change your settings to Obtain IP address.
After you have changed your IP configuration to Obtain IP address from the DHCP server, your network adapter will acquire for the IP address automatically. Wait till the process is completed. Double click your Network adapter icon on the task tray then click the support tab. You will see the IP address on the Default Gateway. That was we want to see, the IP address of your router. You can now access your router using that IP address.
Netgear router access Problem Windows XP SP2
Hi Ebonie!
Configuring your router means you need to access its interface. You did the right thing in resetting your router but then you are unable to access the router’s page. Let us try doing this step by step.
Disconnect your router from the modem.
Do another reset on your router. To reset hold the reset button for 30 seconds and you can see the power light of the router starts to blink. Unplug and re plug the power. Check the LED lights and they should be stable lights.
Connect your computer to port 1 of the router. The corresponding LED light for that should be on.
Check IP address on your computer. Click “Start” then hit on “Run” and on the run box type “cmd”. You will then see the black screen. Type “ipconfig” then hit enter. You should get an IP address, subnet mask and default gateway. The IP address should be like this, subnet mask would be and the default gateway should be
Ping the default gateway. Through pinging we would know if your computer is communicating or not to the router. On the black screen type “ping”. If you get 4 good replies then it means there is a connection between your computer and router.
Access your router’s page using your browser. If it won’t try this, click on “Start” then click “Run” then type You should be prompted with the username and password of your router. If it won’t still try using a different browser or a different computer. If the same problem is encountered then refer it to router’s manufacturer, call them up that might need a replacement.