Netgear smart wi fi router network connectivity problem

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Why are the devices connected to my Netgear router not browsing? I recently purchase and set up a new Netgear AC 1200 smart wi fi router (Model R6220) in my apartment, but the devices connected through the router are not browsing the internet. I have called my ISP about the problem, but they said they haven’t received any complaint from any customer meaning the router is likely the cause. How do I fix this?

Answered By 0 points N/A #189988

Netgear smart wi fi router network connectivity problem


First check your cables connection between your router and your ISP modem. You have to connect cable from modem in wan port in your router.

Then enter in your router setup page and setup your wan type. Example: PPPoe (requires a login and password for dial connection) or cable modem.

Then go to lan setup page and make sure you have a lan IP address different from you ISP (you can check your ISP IP address at status page) and check box with option “Use router as DHCP Server”.

Setup your wireless password and SSID and save then.

Your router will restart with new configurations you setup and now you will connect your devices into wireless or wired lan and all of then will be into your private lan and will be connected in internet.



Anthony John

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