My laptop seems to be dysfunctional. It is the only laptop at my house and does not recognize our cable connection. Is there anything wrong with it? What should I do to rectify this problem? Thanks in advance!
Network connection problem with Laptop
Hello Richie,
I suggest you to have a program username and password through your router to be able to properly connected into the internet modem. You also need to configure the pppoe connection into the operating system a that you are using to be able to properly connected when the laptop is properly connected into the modem. You can also visit the links below for more information:
Informational Site 1
Informational Site 2
Just get an idea on those site so that you can solve your problem easily.
Network connection problem with Laptop
It is possible that your network cable may be loose or broken that's why it is not recognizing the connection. It is also possible that your network card is disabled that's why it's not working.
Try and check Network Connections and the Device Manager to make sure that your network card is not disabled or if its drive has a problem or not. Another thing you can also do is to power cycle your router. Cable modems are designed to recognize a system's MAC address.
If it's not giving your computer an internet connection, what's store on the cable modem may be another system's MAC address. Just turn off everything on the network. Turn the cable modem on first, wait for about 3 minutes then turn on your computer.