Asked By
ronald luna
20 points
Posted on - 04/17/2012
Dear Techie Guys, I wonder if you have encountered a similar error in Zenoss before. I have this problem just today in our Network Map (Zenoss). I have tried clicking it but only a gray background appeared. I cannot remember any configurations changes recently so I do not know what is the problem. Please tell me how can I fix this. Thank you very much in advance for some probable solutions that you can suggest.
The Network Map is not Working – Zenoss
Hi there,
Be sure that you didn’t miss a part of INSTALL.txt
– zensocket needs to be setup in order to open raw sockets. As root, run:
chown root:zenoss /usr/local/zenoss/bin/zensocket
chmod 04750 /usr/local/zenoss/bin/zensocket
and if that doesn’t work, you can always make a symlink or copy /usr/local/zenoss/bin/zenoss to /etc/init/d and then update the scripts that are run in appropriate run-levels (rc-update, update-rc,d, etc. – depends on the distro and also add “ export ZENHOME=/usr/local/zenoss “ if necessary
New Zenpacks are not necessary, but its highly recommended updating regularly, that is if by chance your computer network’s admin changed to something new and zenoss is unable to utilize it.