Network security: using WPA over WEP

What is the advantage of WPA over WEP? Does it matter which one I use? What is the main difference?Â

What is the advantage of WPA over WEP? Does it matter which one I use? What is the main difference?Â
It matters a great deal on which one you will use. For one, WPA is a better and stronger wireless security than WEP. Here are the key advantages of WPA over WEP:
Length of IV – WEP has only 24 IV (initialization vector) compared to WAP’s 48 meaning, WAP is almost impossible to bypass with almost 5 trillion combinations. In terms of encryption strength, WAP is way far better than WEP.
You don’t need to provide an encryption key in order to configure a router with WPA; it’s more convenient at just having to set an 8 to 63 character length password.
WPA was basically created to replace WEP and upgrade wireless security standards – so clearly WAP is more secure.
When you use a wireless access point, if you transfer data from one point to another you should remember that anyone within range can receive your data. So you should ensure security which is performed by wired equivalent privacy ( WEP). WAP is the Wi-Fi protected Access which ensures your privacy. There are several advantages of WPA over WEP which given below-
An encryption key differing in every packet. So it is very difficult for an intruder to receive this data.
Blocking them is the greatest advantage.
WPA aims to provide strong data encryption over WEP.
Hi Cole Moreno
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