Networking Concept, Change Domain Name Windows 7

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Please help me to understand about domain concepts for windows 7, what is the Domain Name? How to change Domain Name Windows 7?

Answered By 0 points N/A #331982

Networking Concept, Change Domain Name Windows 7


A domain name is the part of the website URL or website name. A domain name is used to identify the computers on the network. It is used to identify the entities on the internet rather than the IP address. For example, In URL here, the domain name is

Steps to change Domain Name Windows 7:

1. Click on the start then right-click on the Computer.

2. Then select the properties option.

3. Go to the Advanced System Settings; then the popup window will open.

4. On the popup window, click on the Computer Name tab.

5. Now To rename this computer or change its domain or workgroup, click on the change button.

6. Change the domain name and close the tab.

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