In networking, why do you use a PING test?

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, I was thought today after setting up a router or any machine use a PING test to check the connection. Why do you do this?

Best Answer by Cumba Som
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Answered By 15 points N/A #90125

In networking, why do you use a PING test?



This is a very interesting question. I have the best solution for this, first of all I want to tell you that PING (Packet Internet Groper ) is a test system which is used over a year for testing the internet and also its sub links of the net system. Basically, this is a system that is used to facilitate different kinds of probe packets, which includes the reply & record elapsed time process, ICMP Echo messages, and any other information in a data file. It can also produce snapshot in real-time for histograms and traces.
Hope this will help you out.
Answered By 590495 points N/A #90126

In networking, why do you use a PING test?


Running a ping on a newly created network is an effective way of diagnosing network connectivity issues. You can easily verify that there is a problem in the network by simply using ping to “ping” a specific IP address or domain. To use ping, use the following syntax:

  • Ping <IP address or domain>

For example, ping 832.11.25.0, ping, ping, or ping IP address is the localhost or the loopback Internet Protocol or IP. Localhost refers to “this computer” or the same computer where you are running the ping command. For example, running ping on will normally have this result. See image.

For the switches you can apply to the ping command, check the following:

  • -t – this switch is used to ping the specified host continuously until it is stopped. It will ping the IP address or the domain nonstop. To stop, press CTRL + C.
  • -a – is used to resolve addresses to hostnames.
  • -n count – it is used to set the number of echo requests to send. Replace “count” with the value.
  • -l size – used to set the buffer size to send. Replace “size” with the buffer size.
  • -f – it is used to set the Don’t Fragment flag in the packet.
  • -i TTL – sets Time To Live.
  • -v TOS – sets Type Of Service.

For the complete list of switches, type without quotes “ping /?” in the command prompt and press Enter.

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