Hi all,
I was using NetWorx for quite long time, when I try to open NetWorx all of a sudden I got his pop up message. It worked well in Xp operating system, but this happened in windows 7. Tried million times to uninstall and reinstall the NetWorx, but nothing magic happened. Experts help me solve this issue. Thanks in advance.
Access violation at address 004FE29F in module ‘networx.exe’. Read of address 00000005.
NetWorx pops up error when trying to open
Supposedly, if you are using Windows 7 you should not have any problem because NetWorx supports Microsoft Windows 7 either you are using the latest version or an older version such as NetWorx 5.2.9. In case you have NetWorx 5.2.9, this version works on Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. You can download this version from NetWorx 5.2.9 on CNET.
For the latest version NetWorx 5.3, it supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 both x86 and x64 versions. This version dropped support for Microsoft Windows 2003. It is available in two versions: the normal or native installer and in a portable version. If you wish to download this version, visit NetWorx 5.3 for Windows XP until 8.
If you are using an older version different from the one I mentioned above, NetWorx 5.2.9, then this must be what’s causing the problem. Try upgrading to the latest version. Click on the link above to download NetWorx 5.3.
NetWorx pops up error when trying to open
Networx works best in Windows XP. To resolve this issue, try downloading the latest version from the link below:
Download Networx: Windows XP through Windows 8
This will fix Networx Access Violations error.