Neverquest malware: the latest threat to banks

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -
Neverquest is a banking malware that facilitates the stealing of financial data. The malware follows the CaaS business model. What are the implications of this? How does Neverquest malware spread to new victims? What is the effect of a Neverquest infection on a target and how does it affect his banking transactions?  


Answered By 0 points N/A #189636

Neverquest malware: the latest threat to banks


Neverquest is the malware that steals the bank logins such that attacker can get access to the accounts through that victim’s computers. In this malware, if once the Trojan was loaded into victim’s computer, it could detect the banking information that owner enters into a web browser. It can encrypt the stolen information and can redirect to the attacker’s specified servers. Neverquest will check the domain name and observes what the user is typing in browser. Once the whole gets affected, it can transfer money to randomly/wontedly to different accounts and login information will get changed making owner account locked. To protect from this malware, employers should check their emails regularly and owner should keep the systems updated.

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