New Apple Mac Book with Retina Display Laptop

If the New Apple Mac Book Pro with Retina Display has a crisp screen resolution which shows great outcome specially in pictures, you think it would also be good for gaming? Does it support games?

If the New Apple Mac Book Pro with Retina Display has a crisp screen resolution which shows great outcome specially in pictures, you think it would also be good for gaming? Does it support games?
The Displays preference pane on this system (running OS X version 10.7.4, build 11E2617) isn't like those seen on previous Macs. Instead of displaying a list of different screen resolutions, it defaults to a "Best for Retina display" resolution. If you choose the Scaled option instead, you can choose from five presets ranging from Larger Text (which makes all the interface elements on the screen larger) to More Space (which makes everything smaller, feeling more like a high-resolution display on previous MacBook Pro models).
Then there's the change that will make any studio manager groan: yet another port switch that renders a whole generation of Apple computers incompatible with a whole other generation of Apple computers. In this case, it's the MagSafe power plug, which has evolved into a thinner, wider connector that's completely incompatible with previous models. (Apple is selling a macsafe to macsafe2 converters address this.) Simply put, the new MacBook Pro is too thin to fit the old MagSafe adapter. So it needed to change. But if you're in a studio that's already got a MacBook and wants to add another, freely sharing adapters is off the table.
Yes, this MacBook model supports gaming. The latest MacBook Pro with Retina display runs on OS X Sierra and one of its features is the Game Center. In OS X Sierra, when you log in to your iCloud account, it automatically creates a Game Center account if you don’t have it yet. If you already have one, your existing account will be used.
Playing a game is the same way you open any application on your computer. You can play a single player game or a multiplayer game with your friends. If the multiplayer game you are playing supports sessions, you and your friends or game buddy can come and go in the game whenever you want. When a multiplayer game supports sessions, the game data is stored in iCloud.
If you want to play games that aren’t available in the Game Center, you can install it if the game supports OS X Sierra or any Mac operating system that is running on the MacBook Pro.