What are the specifications of this NuForce Cube in terms of its excursion woofer, sound range, frequency, wavelength, wavenumber, amplitude, sound pressure, sound intensity,
HF drivers, subwoofers midranges, midwoofers, capacitors, and radiators; and can this become eminence guitar speaker and eminence bass speaker?
The New NuForce Cube and its specifications
NuForce Cube is a rechargeable battery-powered speaker DAC and headphone amp all put in a small cube like little package that sounds perfect. The NuForce Cube’s 58.5mm x 58.5mm x 60mm aluminum cabinet is available in black, silver, red or blue with a color-matched cloth grill.
The Cube packs 3 watts of power for what appears to be a roughly 1.5-inch speaker. Accessories include a 24-inch stereo 3.5mm cable, a 28-inch USB cable, and a soft carrying pouch. There is also an adaptor available for IPod Nano users.