Asked By
Jim Tynes
40 points
Posted on - 04/15/2012
Users of Mac are being been urged to be certain that they have applied Apple's latest Java update and install an anti-virus subsequent to a new trojan targeting OS X. What type of damages will this virus do to OS X after it gets into the system?
New trojan targeting OS X
Hello Jim,
This Trojan, known as Sabpab, is like most Trojans. It connects to a remote website using HTTP using command and control to receive instructions from remote intruders to control it.
Intruders can easily monitor activity by sending back encrypted logs to the control server. The intruders can remotely take screenshots of the user's current session, upload and download files, and execute commands. To avoid being infected, just download and install the newest updates from Apple that patch the Java vulnerabilities.
I hope this helps.