Next big innovation in Computers?

What will be the next biggest innovation in computers does anyone know about it ? What else computers we can expect in future ? What type of computers can we expect in future?

What will be the next biggest innovation in computers does anyone know about it ? What else computers we can expect in future ? What type of computers can we expect in future?
Computer analyst are also called as the engineers as they try to put everything on a digital and linear form. However, the world is usually analogue and nonlinear. That is the primary reason why computing has just hardly damaged the surface of various problems since most of it are very hard and included on our daily lives.
An example of this is similar to the Cut and Paste function. Remember the Killer App? Computer can easily search and find it while humans will have a hard time to do it. That is one of the most effectual thing a computer can do.
However, performing this Cut and Paste task, not only with the text string nevertheless something more complex, with something more complex objects. If you wish to Cut/Paste a specific person in a movie with another person, or into something more difficult and change or search for it, it will be very hard to perform it. The same thing when you want to replace a specific audio track with your very own track or a video karaoke. Or if we perform trading on a Stock Exchange anywhere and feed our devices the trading data, we still need to ask someone about what stock to buy or what stock to sell. This shows how insufficient is the role of the computing played nowadays on making personal decisions. On medical computing, it plays a diminutive role when performing a real surgery. Maybe just the camera moves that helps the surgeon see what is inside the body.
Because of great minds computers are constantly evolving into a more and more powerful one. In the near future the difference between pc/laptop/tablet/smartphone will disappear. And all data and software won't be stored locally anymore. So basically every device will be like a super thin client. The super thin computers can be possible through the use of the material called graphine. Graphene is an allotrope of carbon, which is a difficult way of saying that it is a form of carbon.
Carbon exists in nature in many forms out of which we recognize graphite and diamonds readily. Graphene is just another arrangement of carbon atoms.
It consists of only one layer of carbon atom. But don't get fooled by its thickness, as it is the strongest material ever tested by humans! In the words of the scientists who tested it, "It would take an elephant, balanced on a pencil, to break through a sheet of graphene the thickness of Saran Wrap." The versatility of the possible applications of Graphene are also mind-boggling.
It provides flexibility and strength that are so sorely missed in the present electronic devices. Right now, only small chunks of this monolayer material can be produced without defects, but once the technology permits to produce larger sheets, the possibilities of its usage would be limitless.
It's as versatile as plastic only more strong, reliable and flexible. About the electronic devices made out of graphene, a researcher surmises, "You could theoretically roll up your iPhone and stick it behind your ear like a pencil". It also provides much faster transistors. The transistors based on Graphene are more than 3 times faster than the best transistors based on silicon used presently.
Hi there,
The next big innovation in computers deepened on the demand of users. Until now the biggest innovation in computer world is higher processors from almost all the companies. Core i7 is one biggest achievement until now. As far we know, we already experiencing the L3 cache memory which is giving us faster process and also reliable answers.
We are also experiencing high definition graphics and also hollow graphic interfaces. AIO PCs are giving us a compacted package. Increasing RAM and other storage is becoming a random demand for us now, and the modern computers are still working on this matter.
User interface is also a very important factor for any user to work with that PC. So we already have eye detected interface and also voice recognition interface. In near feature we may get more users friendly and high process interfaces.
Thank you,
Riley weaver.