Nokia 808 vs Samsung Galaxy S3

Hey, Any information regarding launch date of Nokia 808 41mp phone in India?
What is the price in other countries if it is launched?
What additional feature does it have compared to Samsung Galaxy S3?

Hey, Any information regarding launch date of Nokia 808 41mp phone in India?
What is the price in other countries if it is launched?
What additional feature does it have compared to Samsung Galaxy S3?
Talking about the launch date of Nokia 808 in India, it will be almost in June.
The price of Nokia 808 is going to be 628$ in USA, 30000 INR in India and 54000 PKR in Pakistan. Only those, are the available prices until now in the world.
The difference between this Nokia and Samsung Galaxy S3 is that 808 is characterized by his physical dimensions (123.9×64.2×13.9 mm) and his very high quality camera (41 MP) which have a great ability to zoom without loosing of clarity.
The price of Nokia 808 is $628, but if we will compare between Nokia 808 & Samsung Galaxy s3 we will find many differences.
* First in Nokia 808 we will find better camera resolution its 41MP, and its pictures have a very high quality resolution and so pure and clear. But in Samsung Galaxy we have more possibilities because it has %100 more Ram than Nokia 808 pureview. And this makes the phone faster. Also it has a more powerful processor and more than this Galaxy s3 has bigger screen its 4.8 inches.but in nokia 808 is 4 inches only which makes the Galaxy S3 more useful and comfortable with the internet usage and browsing .
* Also Galaxy s3 has better screen Resolution 780×1280 PX. But in nokia 360x640PX. And Galaxys3 slimmer and lighter in the weight which is make it useful and easy to hold.
* More than this Galaxy s3 has a great capacity 64GB.but Nokia 808 is addition to that Galaxy s3 has a faster download speed and has longer battery .