Nokia has been the King eversince, why fail now?

Hi! Does the performance of the Nokia Lumia mean that Nokia is losing in the "digital war" now that new gadgets and technologies are emerging? Thanks.Â

Hi! Does the performance of the Nokia Lumia mean that Nokia is losing in the "digital war" now that new gadgets and technologies are emerging? Thanks.Â
There is no doubt that Nokia is still the world's largest phone manufacturing company in the world. But when it comes in regard of smartphones then Nokia gets stuck. It is still far behind than the other smartphone manufacturing companies. Apple and Samsung is the rulers in this case. This is proved by the performance of the Nokia Lumia. It was launched to remain Nokia in the digital war of smartphones but it failed to do so. Though Nokia has offered the affected customers of Lumia a call credits but analysts say it will not be enough to fight against Apple and Samsung. On the other hand Nokia is far more behind in the mobile apps in comparison to other smartphone companies.
The acquisition of Microsoft on Nokia was announced on September 3, 2013 in Redmond, Washington and Espoo, Finland. This date, the Nokia Corporation and Microsoft Corporation revealed that both companies’ Boards of Directors have agreed to enter into a contract whereby the entire Devices and Services business of Nokia will be purchased by Microsoft as well as license and use Nokia’s mapping services, and license Nokia’s patents.
Under the agreement, Microsoft will pay EUR 3.79 billion to acquire significantly the whole of Nokia’s Devices and Services business. Microsoft will also pay EUR 1.65 billion to license Nokia’s patents. So, all in all, the transaction amount is EUR 5.44 billion in cash. Microsoft will fund the transaction from its overseas cash resources.
This transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of this year, 2014. So I’m sure by now, since it is already almost July, the transaction has already completed.