Nokia N95 System Error on Starting-up

I installed fsecure on my handset. Now I am often getting "System Error !" Message on starting the phone. Should I uninstall fsecure?

I installed fsecure on my handset. Now I am often getting "System Error !" Message on starting the phone. Should I uninstall fsecure?
Nokia n95 is a Symbian smart phone which has capability of many applications as you said you have installed fsecure which is an anti-virus software by installing this the operational files of your handset are conflicted with the fsecure files so uninstall the fsecure and upgrade the phone with new updates if available to your phone. By doing this your phone will be overcoming this problem and install DR.WEB which you can find it in Ovi store this anti-virus do not conflict with the handset operating system as it is designed for smart phones.
If the error started after you install FSecure, then you should uninstall it. Sometimes security software caused too many errors due to compatibility issues, incorrect configurations of our device or the file you have downloaded or installed is corrupt or damaged. Remove the software from the Application Manager on your device. If it stays visible on the open apps, restart your device to complete the removal of the program.