When accessing Office 2010 database, I encountered a problem that showed an error message while I was trying to add datasheet forms with root datasheets. The message is: “To show the last result, you do not have sufficient space.
Shut unnecessary application.” I am puzzled because when I checked my system I stillI have enough space on memory, and yet this error popped up.
I would be thankful for any insight regarding this problem.
Please give me the solution of this problem as soon as possible.
Not enough space when trying to add datasheet forms in Office 2010
This happens to most applications.
I’m not sure of the exact reason why the application thinks that there is no more RAM left for it to use.
But I think it has to do with some of the applications running in the background.
Those applications that load automatically during Windows startup.
Since Office 2010 suggested closing some unnecessary applications that are running in the background, you may try following it.
Open Windows Task Manager by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC.
Click Processes tab.
Click on the application that you are not using then hit End Process button.
On the pop up dialog box, click Yes to confirm.
But be very careful in closing some running applications. Be careful not to close applications that are essential to Windows. Close only those applications that you are familiar with.
If you are not familiar with the program, don’t close it.