Not interacting with LCS 2005 and Messenger 5.1

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

. I have got a trial version of LCS 2005 and Messenger 5.1 hooked up on two of my computers. We can easily get connected to the actual server through SIP, I am able to notice when folks access the LCS but that’s it. I am unable to connect through Messenger and vice versa. Could there be a handful of settings on the LCS server in which I am missing out?

Best Answer by Morcelo Toldelo
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #103756

Not interacting with LCS 2005 and Messenger 5.1



Thank you for posting your problem.Windows 7 do not create any problem but  Window Xp SIP  or office create this problem while using Windows Messenger 5.1 .

And again it may be problem of using proxy server.Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) and server-based proxy computer do not support basic authentication.To solve this problem (including proxy server) please use basic authentication.You may use this basic authentication by configuring your ISA Server based computer.

Have a good luck.



Answered By 0 points N/A #103758

Not interacting with LCS 2005 and Messenger 5.1


Thanks for the help..

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