Notify For The Run Windows 7 On Macbook Pro And System Requirements Too

Hello, Notify for the run windows 7 on macbook pro and the systems requirements for the same as well and thanks for looking in it and reply soon as well.

Hello, Notify for the run windows 7 on macbook pro and the systems requirements for the same as well and thanks for looking in it and reply soon as well.
Hey, to run windows 7 on macbook pro can be done easily be rebooting the Mac and removing the older version and then installing the new version of the windows on it as well. Below shows the systems requirements for it are as follows:
• There must be an active internet connection available too
• The HDD space must be at least 30 GB
• The RAM should be minimum of 2GB
• There must be an inbuilt optical drive for it as well
• The mouse and keyboard should be there for the same as well.