Notify the warcraft 3 frozen throne map download and file size.

Notify the warcraft 3 frozen throne map download and the file size for the same too as a reference and thanks for the solutions too and revert soon.

Notify the warcraft 3 frozen throne map download and the file size for the same too as a reference and thanks for the solutions too and revert soon.
The file size for the warcraft 3 frozen throne map download will be 100 Mb or more as per the OS your are looking to install the same. The same can be installed as per the systems used and can run the same over the PC too and then run the warcraft and the effect will be given immediately too. Below show the supports OS for the same:
• Mac OS
• Windows
• Linux
• Android
If you are looking for maps to play on Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, here are some you can download and try.
Wizard’s Retreat – map size: small; tileset: Dalaran; suggested number of players: 2 on 2 or 3 on 3; file size: 136 KB. Some notes about the map: “Nestled in the Arathi Foothills lies the pristine resort enclave where the wizards of Dalaran retreat from the front lines to recuperate while relaxing in steamy hot mana pools.”
Banewood Bog – map size: large; tileset: Felwood; suggested number of players: 2 on 2 or 4 on 4; file size: 414 KB. Some notes about the map: “This land is truly cursed. Rivers of poison, filled with demonic bile, eat away at the earth. Ancient wyrms, terrible and great, slumber quietly within the mire. Perhaps you know of a dragon slayer, jobless, up for hire.”
Terenas Stand – map size: tiny; tileset: Village; suggested number of players: 1 on 1; file size: 96 KB. Some notes about the map: “’Noble countrymen, evil are upon us. Darkness has befallen our shores. Rise and slay thy enemies… strike, strike so others shall live. The meek shall not fade into the night… live my brethren, live.’ – King Terenas”.
Skibi’s Castle TD – map size: medium; tileset: Cityscape; suggested number of players: 1 up to 10; file size: 1.5 MB. Some notes about the map: “Official Blizzard version of the popular TD with a mini-game twist! Defeat the onslaught of mobs solo or in two teams of up to five players each.”
The “Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne” is the official expansion pack to the game “Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos” developed by Blizzard Entertainment published by Blizzard Entertainment for North America, Sierra Entertainment for Europe, Capcom for Japan, and Sonokong for Korea. The sea units were reintroduced in this expansion pack which were not included in the original “Reign of Chaos” version but were present in Warcraft II.